Source Material
The Eby Report (Volume 1, Number 1)
Clyde L. Groff and George F. Newman
The Eby Report (Volume 1, Number 2)
American Bi-Centennial Issue
Clyde L. Groff and George F. Newman
The Eby Report (Volume 2, Number 1)
The First Four Generations in America
Clyde L. Groff and George F. Newman
A Word About Roads
Through history the names and destinations of roads have changed. On the historical maps,the road names that we give are sometimes best guess.
The road names given in census records are more general areas than actual names. You'll find east of Falls Rd, near Falls Rd, Parkton-Beckleysville which could mean the area of Parkton Rd and Beckleysville Rd.
For an example, what is now Brickstore road in the 5th district of Baltimore County was once Manchester Rd. Roads like Foreston Rd changed in origination and destination. Parts of it are covered by the Pretty Boy Reservoir.
Some roads like Shamburger Mill Rd or also possibly named Parkton Rd, don't even exist today. If you come up with a better guess or have information on any of the road names, feel free to drop us a line.
Historical Maps
- Interactive counties of Md 1850
- Dated 1850 but dates actually vary. Choose the county, then the district. Compare to your census records to find Alban families in the area.
- Maps of Baltimore county 1877
- Maps Lutherville 5th district and Beckleysville 6th district are loaded with Alban families. Free to download. Note:These maps have been rotated about 80 degrees. Viewing software that allows image rotation makes them easier to compare to other maps.
- HistoricalMapWorks
- A commercial collection of historical maps. Free to view and can be downloaded for a fee. Some can be enlarged enough to see Alban landholders.
- Baltimore Co 1857 Wall Map
- Baltimore Co Sixth District 1877
- Carroll Co Hampstead District 1877
- Carroll Co Hampstead district 1916
- Note: these maps are flipped 90 degrees so North is to the right.
- Baltimore Co 5th District 1876-1915
- Baltimore Co 5th and 6th districts 1876-1915**
- Balto co.5th and 6th after 1896(w/acreage)
5th District
Grave Run Mills Po
George Alban
N Alban
H Alban
W S Alban
Alban Est.
Mt Carmel Po
Hannah Alban
J O Alban
6th District
Mrs E Alban
M Alban(3?Mordecai, Melchor)
William A Alban
C Alban
S Alban
Jehu Alban
A Alban
Associated Family Names
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